Sunday, April 29, 2012

Working Out In All My Jigglely Glory!

Yes, you read that right.  Jigglely glory.  Because when my form makes an attempt at rapid movement I resemble one of those old Jello commercials...Watch it wiggle, see it jiggle!  It's not a pretty sight, and it can be hazardous to my health!  But in my efforts to get healthy a few black eyes may be necessary!

We've all seen the infomercials, the ones pitching the newest weight loss miracle drug, or the work out plan "guaranteed" to get results fast!  You've seen them, I've seen them.  You've probably thought to yourself, just like I have, maybe that might work, the way they present their product is pretty convincing!  Even though the part of your brain that controls common sense is screaming, "SCAM! SCAM! SCAM!" you still think, well maybe.  And maybe you decided to give it a shot, after all what else do you have to lose?  Just the weight right? And truly those programs must work for someone one, but for me the only thing they work to prove is that I'm gullible!  I've got 'em all:  P90X, Strip-Aerobics, 6 Week Body Make Over, Pilates, Zumba...and all of them have been sitting in my closet since the week they came in the mail.  Played only once or twice, and that's when I found that these programs require, *GASP* WORK!  COMMITMENT! TIME! SWEAT!!  Oh no, this is not what I paid for!  I bought something fun and easy, something that was supposed to melt the pounds away with little to no input from me!  Wait, what's that you say? There's no such thing? No quick fix to my problems? You mean to tell me I'm actually going to have to change in order to make this work!? Oh hell no!  I'm going to just go back to drinking my soda and eating my deep fried Twinkies, thank you very much!

Yep, that was me, and gradually over the years the number on the scale crept up.  And up, and up, and up, all the way to 280lbs!  I could barely move without getting winded, and the slightest physical activity send my heart pounding to the point of concern.  My life was completely out of control, and I was doing nothing to stop the chaos.  At the lowest point in my life, in my darkest hour I make a really dumb decision, paving the way for a truly eye opening experience and a moment of clarity.  In that moment, I took a good hard look at my life, and realized that I completely hated what I saw.  So I made a list of everything that I wanted to change, and finally take control of my life!  First step?  Get Healthy!

But being a PFG, getting healthy requires a lot of sacrifice on my part, and a lot of sweat.  Trying to lose weight when the closest I've ever been to being in shape is simply by being round is really hard!  It's a continuous conscience effort.  Every minutes of every day i have to think about what I'm eating and putting in my body.  I have to be aware that my metabolism is like molasses running up hill, in January.  From all the infomercials, you could almost believe that there are people out there that get "hooked" on exercising just because it's "FUN".  Or the people who are so convincing in their "I just have so much more energy since i dropped that 10lbs".....blah, blah, blah!  Well let me tell you that for this PFG that's nothing but a load of crap!  All I get from all that jumping around is a call from the local seismic detection center telling me to stop, and a pounding headache.  All of that stuff about how much fun it can be is just a marketing ploy to reel you in and make you think that the products work, when they don't!  I bet those marketing people even think they're clever for having coming up with such an idea!  Bet they also has a hot fudge sundae to celebrate, with nuts, and whipped cream.  And I bet they added bananas and pineapples just to make me jealous...all that gooey, melty goodness....*drools*

Huh? What? Where am I? Oh, people and their clever deceptions, and ice cream....okay that's it!  I'm getting ice cream!!  Be right back!

*Gets one scoop of vanilla, cuz I've been good all week!*

Much better!  Now where was I?  Oh yea, those marketing ploys are brilliant, but hurtful.  Leading the masses to actually believe you can loose 100lbs without having to work for it?  Really?  How does that help anyone when we know it's not true!  All the wishful thinking in the world isn't going to change the current reality if we aren't willing to put the work into it.  And again, for me that will a lot of sweat.  I hate sweating.  It's just!

My biggest issue is just the commitment to making it work; to staying on track and not giving up.  My ability to commit to a diet comes and goes, depending on what I'm craving that day!  LOL  But as I'm nearing my 30th birthday, I find myself growing weary of my current state.  The other deciding factor?  I recently got engaged.  And as any bride-to-be would do, I dove in to planning the wedding and started dreaming about a dress.  That is until I found the selection for PFGPFG jiggles.  Not exactly something I want to subject myself to, so I stick with my yard work and try like mad to control my eating habits.  But I slip, a lot, and eat things I know I shouldn't.  I'm hoping with a little more activity and being a little more firm in my resolve that I will be able to reach my goal of shedding 100lbs and being the hottest bride ever!  Okay so maybe the hottest bride ever part won't happen, but at least I'll be health and happy on my wedding day.  But only if my cravings don't take my resolve hostage in exchange for those deep fried Twinkies!

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